
Community Resources

Support our community with these downloadable
2020 Census resources.

SF Counts Resources

Encourage your friends, family, and community to do the Census with these shareable resources.

San Francisco counts for the 2020 Census. Check out what the City is doing to educate residents.

2020 Census Language Guides

U.S. Census Bureau translated web pages and guides in 59 non-English languages.

SF Counts social media toolkit

Get your community counted with our SF Counts social media graphics and messages

SF Counts graphics - English

SF Counts graphics - Spanish

SF Counts graphics - Chinese

SF Counts graphics - Filipino

SF Counts graphics - Russian

Come to Your Census, SF!

Come To Your Census arts-based toolkit and shareable resources from our partners Art+Action

SF Counts x Radici Studios coloring page

Multilingual Email Messages

Multilingual newsletter messages.
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